Brian Ladin: A Chief Executive Officer Inspiring Millions

When you are planning on getting into the shipping industry, you need to learn from the best. There are a lot of people who have made it in this industry. But you should only take inspiration from the story of a leader who has made it on their own through sheer hard work and dedication. Such is the story of Brian Ladin. He is currently the Chief Executive Officer of Delos Shipping. It is part of the thriving shipping industry and is a leading name. It is a ship leasing platform with several global clients.



How did it start?

Brian Ladin started working in this industry in the year 2010. At that time, he invested in the shipping industry and tried focusing on them using the best techniques. For so many years, he has given the right experience in this industry through hard work and commitment.

What services does Delos Shipping provide?

When the end user connects with Delos Shipping, they help them by leasing shipping assets. In return for this, the user would pay money to the company. This is how this company makes money and keeps gaining more customers. When Brian Ladin got his first customer, it was because of a marketing campaign he performed six months before beginning his business.

How do they choose a client?

The team of Delos Shipping does not choose every client that contacts them. Before getting a new client, they research them. This helps them understand if the client can financially sustain the contract or not. This is essential as this keeps the business safe from any kind of risk and helps them get the right clients who will work with them for a long time.

What motivates him to do better?

Brian Ladin has been working in this industry for so long but still stays motivated to offer the best to their customers. This is only because he is determined to provide financing in different ways to all the customers. While thinking of what they should offer their customers, they always make sure to consider both existing and new customers.

So, if you also wish to enter the shipping industry, you should check out the story of an expert like him. Such a story can motivate you to do better and to work in the best way possible.

Some of the books recommended by Brian Ladin are Good To Great and How To Win Friends And Influence People. You can surely check them out to gain a new perspective.


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